Children like eating familiar foods, so it can be hard for them to try something new.
Giving children the chance to become familiar with new foods – rather than being forced to eat them – will make it easier for parents to provide a healthful, varied diet to their children.
Help children explore the fuzzy skins of kiwis and the mushy flesh of avocados. Allow them to compare the taste of sour apples with the taste of sweet melons.
Encourage them to crunch loudly on celery, jicama and sugar snap peas. Point out the beauty of bright red peppers, purple beets and orange nectarines.
Cook together and encourage the children taste as you go. Then, let the children decide whether to eat the new food.
Don’t give up if it doesn’t happen the first time. Some children need to be served a new food up to 15 times before they even try it.
With you by their side, your children will grow healthy, active and happy.
A Message from the University of California Cooperative Extension.